Tackling the Explosion of Data in E-Disclosure

Tackling the Explosion of Data in E-Disclosure – Webinar

We are now producing the same amount of data every two days than we did from the beginning of time up to 2003. The exponential growth of data is undisputed, but the numbers behind this explosion – fuelled by IoT and the use of connected devices – are hard to comprehend. 

This has created enormous challenges in E-Disclosure. Navigating the increasing volume of data, as well as further technical, regulatory and technological challenges, create complexities that require E-Disclosure practices to constantly evolve and professionals to continue to sharpen their tools.

This webinar will discuss these challenges, as well as explore practical solutions for combating the explosion of data, covering tactics and technologies for staying ahead of the curve.

Join James Merritt, Head of Forensic Technology & eDisclosure at Apogee Corporation, Stuart Davidson, Marketing Director at Exterro, Damian Murphy, Executive Director EMA Advisory at Lighthouse and Andy Houston, Associate Director in the Digital Forensics Group at Grant Thornton UK LLP, to hear how leading industry professionals are tackling the explosion of data in E-Disclosure.

Webinar Recording:

Recording taken: 26th February 2020
The author

This blog is by James Merritt. For the last ten years I have worked in the Forensic Technology and eDisclosure sector. The views expressed on this website are those of my own and have no bearing on those of my employer. I have been debating whether or not to start this blog, whilst I have many years of experience, I don’t want to sound contrived and call myself an industry leader. However if what I decide to write about on this blog is considered interesting (and hopefully helpful) by those that read it, I have achieved what I set out to do, which is provide insight and advice. In my career I have been lucky enough to work on some incredible cases that have taken me all over the world. If you work in the industry then you know that big cases can be a life stealer, and I have worked on plenty of those. However, there is a certain degree of satisfaction on working with complex data and helping others understand it. I have worked with various litigation support tools over the last ten years but of late I specialise in Nuix and Relativity. This blog will be written with the industry in mind but only what I find interesting and on varying topics, from conferences to current developments, from products to training courses.