
Brainspace – Analyst Training and Exam

We are in a very unique situation across the world as we all know, most countries are in lockdown and life is very difficult. It has been great to see so many different companies/organisations giving back to their communities. In my industry I first noticed this with Relativity who were giving away one free exam and some free virtual training. Nuix then offered access to their SAAS model Nuix Discovery up to a set volume of data and access to training and now Brainspace have opened their online acadamy for free to take three certifications:

  • Brainspace Analyst
  • Brainspace Specialist
  • Brainspace Admin

When we look back on 2020 I think the companies I have listed above will come out with glowing references. They are probably the biggest three tech companies serving eDiscovery/Disclosure and to offer there training and products for free will serve them very well. As a potential client of the three it is a very good way of getting to understand the products and make an informed decision whether to invest in them or not without any cost implications.

Since I have been furloughed by the firm I work for I have been unable to take advantage of Nuix’s offering. I have also been unable to take advantage of the free training that Relativity have offered, though I have got a free exam to use.

I have never used Brainspace, this is a really exciting journey for me and I am really looking forward to testing myself as well as gaining additional qualifications. Once I registered with the Brainwaves training site I had to select the courses I wanted to do and these have been added to my account. I now have 90 days to complete the training. The dashboard is very clear and easy to use. You simply select the course you wish to start or resume.

Training Dashboard

I am going to start my Brainspace experience with the Analyst certification. As this is the introductory level of the three qualifications.

The training is presented in a very clear format of short video’s on specific topics and some text explanations. The way I learn means that this is very in tune with how I hold onto information.

Analyst Course Menu

As you go through the sections the % completed increases so you can keep an eye on how far you have left before completing the course. When you go through each section it splits into micro video’s, presentations and in some cases practicals. At the end of each section is a quiz.

Analyst Training Menu

The exam is an extension of the modules that are presented to the user. It is a multiple choice exam with 50 questions. All the answers have been presented during the training, either in the practical or the video bites. Thankfully, I have passed the exam and now I can look at the other two certifications.

I would like to thank Brainspace for this set of training and exams. While I have been furloughed this has given me something to keep my mind on and keep my eDiscovery skills sharp. When I do return to work I will definately be looking to bring Brainspace on board as it is a smashing analytics tool and if you haven’t yet had a demo get in touch with Patrick Looney!

Brainspace Analyst
The author

This blog is by James Merritt. For the last ten years I have worked in the Forensic Technology and eDisclosure sector. The views expressed on this website are those of my own and have no bearing on those of my employer. I have been debating whether or not to start this blog, whilst I have many years of experience, I don’t want to sound contrived and call myself an industry leader. However if what I decide to write about on this blog is considered interesting (and hopefully helpful) by those that read it, I have achieved what I set out to do, which is provide insight and advice. In my career I have been lucky enough to work on some incredible cases that have taken me all over the world. If you work in the industry then you know that big cases can be a life stealer, and I have worked on plenty of those. However, there is a certain degree of satisfaction on working with complex data and helping others understand it. I have worked with various litigation support tools over the last ten years but of late I specialise in Nuix and Relativity. This blog will be written with the industry in mind but only what I find interesting and on varying topics, from conferences to current developments, from products to training courses.